Monday, November 19, 2012

I've watched the entire Twilight series and now I'm at a loss of what to anticipate next. And after all these years, I'm only discovering the soundtracks now. I'm not into that genre of music so imagine the suprise of discovering I actually like it!

So this has me thinking about something I've always wondered about .... What effect does music and / or movies have on a person? Nothing detrimental like guns blazing and all that but emotionally ........ This song Flying bird, American mouth - the title is absolute nonsence, but it pulls on my heart strings. I have visions of scenes throughout the entire Twilight series when I hear the song and my heart gets all warm and fuzzy. Does that happen to me only? And I'm going to associate this song with these movies for as long as I live. The melody (because I can't hear any of the words) is just so beautiful and suited for the movie that it makes me wish I was a Bella with Edward chasing after me.

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