Thursday, December 13, 2012

The gym is a torture chamber! How on earth do some people actually enjoy it? I've lost 2 & a half kgs in my 1st month and I'm told that it means nothings since my BMI & Viscarus fat are too high & I could have a heart attack & keel over & die at any second! That was a blow to my ego. & here I thought I had worked myself to death 5 days a week for a month without fail.

I'm confused; some say BMI & Viscarus fat is general & bs & that there really isn't any sure way of measuring that but my partner in death is a firm believer that we are not well on the road to health! I still believe though, in agreeance with my other friends that a change of diet is in order. Now it's just a matter of implementing ............... & the fact that it's December is no easy feat!

So here we are running on the damned treadmill for an hour in the morning, then cardio exercises for another hour over lunch. Yes, twice a day! By the time I get home, I am more than the word exhausted! I am finished! We're supposed to have something light after the lunch hour gym thing but I then have to catch up at work & there's no time. This means that, I haven't been eating lunch and by the time I get home I realise then only that I'm starving. Not a good thing because then I'm tempted to overeat. Nevermind the fact that I'm too exhausted to cook or attempt to find anything to 'right' to cook! This is just an endless cycle.

So I force myself to go every day becuase I've paid for it and that's my only consolation. But I don't like those people!!! Making me feel pain in various parts of my body that I never knew existed. Telling me I can't eat my Nandos and KFC ice-cream! How dare they!!!!

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